MidWeek Mensches 3.31.21 – Cards and Cardeo!

This week the Mensches cut it up about the best moment of Steak’s week, hallmark life hacks, banana peels, and a revelation from Steak that kills Schweitz.

Also, this week we introduce a new podcast to the Lour After Hours Network: Schweitz and Fern!

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #MidweekMensches: @Santinimatt @schweitz_ay @wapplehouse @IamKevinito #SchweitzAndFern

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Lafter The Club – 3.26.21 – Roanoke

This week the LTC crew slays the south west Virginia content with our guest, long time lour ranger, shaun fraulin, @pepperleach! He discuss the dodgers soon to be new ACE that he coached in high school, censored music, and pow brings us a completely original, totally not stolen, new game!

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #LafterTheClub: @Cutts904 @HalloweenBasic @jayher17 @JohnAGauldin @los_jiv @MorganFromAus @Fleminem_Raps @Huertaweightgo @StugotzArmy790 and @pepperleach

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Post PostGame 3.22.21 – Shady Things

We examine if Stu’s jealous of Billy’s ranking as the 6th best NFL analyst in the world, shady things we do to annoy our family members, what does Stu’s DraftKings look like, and would Chris dominate a triple threat match between Billy and Roy?

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #PostPostGame: @StugotzArmy790 @Fleminem_Raps @mikeryanruizfan @jayher17

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Lafter The Club – 3.19.21

On this episode of Lafter the Club, we discuss which fictional characters we’d like to see join Meadowlark, play the Sounds Like Game, talk about our most famous followers, are joined by a special limited fake, are pitched an App by Jeannette, and much more!

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #LafterTheClub: @los_jiv @MorganFromAus @StugotzArmy790 @jayher17 @The_Kizh @JohnAGauldin @mikeryanruizfan @JonnieOTS

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Lafter The Club – 3.13.21

On this week’s LTC we discuss: Babies and pillow forts. What kinda bunny would you eat? New jobs: you don’t know what you’re gonna hate yet. Restaurant Theme parks. Impulse buys.

Plus, you can pinpoint the precise moment when LTC officially reaches old age.

#LourAfterHoursCrew: @los_jiv @HalloweenBasic @jayher17 @The_Kizh @thecotecavalry @MorganFromAus

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