Katie Hnida – New Mexico True

We are joined by Katie Hnida ( @KatieHnida ) the first woman to score in an NCAA Football game. She talks about her journey to Colorado University and the sexual assault that led her to the University of New Mexico.

If you, or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, speak out! Enough is enough. The time to take a stand is long overdue! Visit https://www.rainn.org for more information.

You can also find other resources at the following links:

PAVE (Promoting Awareness Victims Empowerment) @PAVEInfo

Victims Rights Law Center @victimrightslaw

Champion Women @iChampionWomen

High Desert Family Services

#LourAfterHoursCrew: @Fleminem_Raps @HalloweenBasic @MorganFromAus @iamkevinito @lebatardshowfan @BeepCount @StugotzArmy790

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Lafter the Club – 5.8.21 – Mother’s Day

Come hang out with all the wonderful moms of LAH along with Aaron and Jeff. Everyone tells a mom centric story that, some of the lovely women who raised us would be disappointed if they listened, but we will deal with that problem when it arises! The crew talks about the unpredictable falling rocket, and Jemele Hill gives us the courage to dust off the cobwebs of our deepest drunken mishaps. Also, Austin Rivers and the entire Curry family get hit with a bunch of shrapnel during this explosion of a conversation that takes place.

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