MidWeek Mensches 3.31.21 – Cards and Cardeo!

This week the Mensches cut it up about the best moment of Steak’s week, hallmark life hacks, banana peels, and a revelation from Steak that kills Schweitz.

Also, this week we introduce a new podcast to the Lour After Hours Network: Schweitz and Fern!

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #MidweekMensches: @Santinimatt @schweitz_ay @wapplehouse @IamKevinito #SchweitzAndFern

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J&LHAP – Steve Arduini

Sometimes it’s enough to promise to back down. Other times all anyone can do is walk away. If that’s all either of you can do, then that’s a great start. The next time you meet, you can agree to take another step forward. Reconciliation is seldom all or nothing because, given that kind of choice, most people opt for nothing.

Lou sits down with Steve and has a heart-to-heart about their ongoing Twitter feud.

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #J&LHAP: @los_jiv @StugotzArmy790 @steve_arduini

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J&LHAP – Izzy Gutierrez

For some kids, this may be their first experience with football or with any organized sport. For such youngsters, you won’t be able to teach them every concept of the game of football in a short season. Izzy breaks down the top five keys to succeed in flag football.

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #J&LHAP: @los_jiv @StugotzArmy790

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Lafter The Club – 3.26.21 – Roanoke

This week the LTC crew slays the south west Virginia content with our guest, long time lour ranger, shaun fraulin, @pepperleach! He discuss the dodgers soon to be new ACE that he coached in high school, censored music, and pow brings us a completely original, totally not stolen, new game!

#LourAfterHoursCrew – #LafterTheClub: @Cutts904 @HalloweenBasic @jayher17 @JohnAGauldin @los_jiv @MorganFromAus @Fleminem_Raps @Huertaweightgo @StugotzArmy790 and @pepperleach

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